Samstag, 11. März 2017

Church / Town / Armory

This is the castle from the front (For reference: the south)
Eventually I hope to put a painting behind the back to make it look like a landscape. The current painting is just as an idea.

This is the gate that leads​ to the ramp up to the castle.

Working on the roof of the aforementioned gate

The gable and back side of the gate

Church Rebuild

I've had this church in this exact form for almost two years now. Recently I ordered some bulk Legos for an amazing price and got 3 huge boxes of pieces.

In that bulk I got a lot of sandstone colored bricks, so I figured​, that could be a pretty new do over for the church.

Again, forgot the in between shots, so this is the Church's inside, including stain glass window.

The church from the side. Notice the lion heads on the pillars.

And the finished product.

Stain glass window, the red makes a cross.

And all finished.
Back to the castle

The beacon, by the dock.

The armory, with it's halbards, spears, swords, bows, and axes

The armorer and smith are shaking on the deal. The payment is the gold in the chest next to them.

The wagon with the new weapons on it.

An overview.
The big guy picking up the box is actually Hagrid from Harry Potter, but is now the muscle for carry weapons around.
The purple spill over by the barrels: someone forgot to close the spigot.

The green is going to be the roof/parapets with the spiral staircase leading up to it.

A new idea: cobblestone path leading over to the feast in the park.

This viking ship came in that bulk order I did. The vikings are the castles vassals and are bringing their tribute.
(Alternate history, ya better believe it :D )

The diamonds and the open treasure chests they'll get loaded into.

A detail I recently added: Bats hanging upside down in the round tower.

I spent almost two days only working on soldiers, and here they are.

These guys will either be swords men or crossbow men (although, kinda heavily armored for that).

A for fun Uruk-Hai, with a scimitar and bow.

The officers and captain of the town guard and behind them the crossbow men of the town guard.

Guard dogs and pike men of the town guard.

Light cavalry.

Heavy cavalry and also the emperor and his general.

Again, but better lit.
Behind them are 6 heavy swords men

The dock on the Eastern side.

A gate that open up into a river that flows out of the town.

The walkway and beacon across the river.

A not yet completed or fastened catapult which will protect against sea threats.

The viking who will be rowing the treasure chests to shore.

The viking boat

Jump back to the armory.

The back of the gate house (In the town)

A dragon hanging from the ceiling
(Yeah, it is Megablocks and not Legos... oh well)

And finally, the dragon sculpture, gargoyle and gable on the gate house
(In the town)

Progress is slow, but it's on it's way. As always, thanks for looking!

1 Kommentar:

  1. So super, Thom! Great Progress!
    Those armoury details are wonderful.
