Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

Taking on Shape

So I meant to get in progress pictures, but more often than not I got so in to building I forgot the pictures. At any rate, here's how far I've gotten since the last post.

This is the same cliff face as on the beginning of the last post but with the wall built onto it.

And this is what's behind that wall.

Crates and barrels and more crates and tons of weapons in said crates and barrels.

Seen from above with three guys going over some maps.

This is the view in from the courtyard. I decided to keep it open so you might actually have an idea that there's something in there.

Closer up of the maps and men talking.

Some of the weapons

This is now the opposite side of the castle from where we just were. This is back at the gate house. 

This is the transition from the arcade across the stairs down to the gate house.

This is the back of the the gate house and the house that it's against.

Gate house again

Gate house from the front. The roof on the side took up most of my roof tiles so I'm trying to come up with a different solution for further demand, or, if need be, do another Pick a Brick order :)

The gate house again, just from lower down.

The side of the gate house.

The roof (Kinda shows how many slope pieces it needed

A closer look at the back of the gate house

And with the portcullis up

Back to the other side
(I kinda jump back and forth when building)

Got the wall finished

The full length

Figuring out how to continue, whether to roof it all off or make some towers.
(For reference's sake, the armory is right below that)

I chose towers.

But before towers came, it was decided to put torches along the full length of the arcade.

End result

After getting side tracked I got back to the next floor.

Pre making the floor so I can just place it

And from the back.

And then I forgot to get pictures again.
(What's up with that hole in the wall? Well, I forgot I hadn't put any soldiers in there yet so I got to tear out a hole big enough to put 3 cross bow men in. Not the first time something like that's happened...) 

So I decided to place a round tower on the front with a catapult and then a square tower in the back.

Square tower in progress.

Square tower finished with the round tower in front

Same thing again with a size reference: the little guy at the bottom.

The rest of the platform... Not entirely pleased with it at the moment but I might leave it for now.

This is the trap door that leads up to the platform. The wooden slats are steps.

The trap door open so that the winch can pull up rocks for the catapult.

And you see that little dark corner, that's a swivel piece that can either align with the trap door to open it, or as in this case, stick out to hold it closed.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed it, and more progress to follow.

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