Mittwoch, 3. September 2014

Change of mind

So I decided to tear the town wall down untill the gatehouse, as you can see. Instead of making an "L" shape I'd rather have a straight line.
 Organizing supplies for the job.

 Winch and mason beginning work.

 Chains to secure the cargo to be picked up.

 The main wall pieces.

 Making progress
(Stonemason putting in the middle wall supports)

 You can never have too many of one piece!

 The finished product, which I much more prefer.
(Pocket knives tend to help with the extremely well pressed together pieces)

 The table wasn't even so I evened it out :)

 Finally started organizing extra pieces I don't need yet.

 Stone mason working on the parapets.

 Pulling up the supplies for the fence on the spiral staircase.
Notice the weight on the other side of the stairs.

Not sure I like it honestly, what's your opinion?

Who left the gate open this time?!

First responders

Cause walking through the gate isn't cool enough :)

Carpenter arming himself.
Carpenter arming himself.
 Watch out from behind.

And a last fun scene :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Die Schnappschüsse aus dem täglichen Leben der Männchen sind super. Du hast wirklich ein Auge fürs Detail.

    1. Ich muss schon zugeben, seit ich dem Blog gemacht habe mache ich mehr solche Details mit den Männchen, sonst gibts nur eine schnelle Gemetzel und weiter im bauen.
