I'm back again! Sorry for the long delay, but here's what I've been up to the last almost 2 months.
To begin with, I got this amazing deal on a second tower which I promptly appropriated.
These are the pictures of me building the two towers together.
I kind of took over the kitchen in the process
The finished product with my own modifications.
Lego Saruman for comparison.
Building the gate house with its drawbridge and portcullis
From above, minus the roof.
The winch system to roll up the chain, later modified but not documented.
The gate house, without floors or a roof.
The West cliffface.
(The purple and white is actually Styrofoam that I used to fill in the center. I then had to make sure the cliff would line up to that height and was connected to the base plates resting on top.
I then had a problem. The 1000+ pieces I had ordered of these angled pieces had run out.
But I still had so much left to do, not to mention the East cliff face.
Solution: wait 2 weeks and order another 500ish more.
Exactly what I needed!
And then I forgot to get in progress pictures...again.
Oh well, here's the finished product. The West cliffface and the wall.
Please notice the different textures.
The moss and exposed brick rising out of the cliff face
The Western Watch Tower
Then another skip forward. Here I'm measuring out the placement of my troops.
The Eastern wall.
(I ran out of the angled cliff pieces again, but didn't want to do another order so I simply finished up one edge that works it's way up to the keep. I left to rest open to be later filled in with what's left.)
The Eastern Platform
(The covered part is over the staircase that leads to the bridge to the Eastern Round tower.)
Side angle of the Eastern Platform
(Notice how the wind is blowing towards the West. Pattern is repeated with all flags and flames throughout the castle)
The courtyard.
(Pre tiling)
The inside view of the Western Wall and the arcade along the Parapets.
Front view of the Southern Wall and the Gate house with the drawbridge down.
(Notice the size of the troops)
Tedious measuring out of where to place the studded pieces for the troops to stand on.
(3 Studs space in front, 2 studs on the side = repeat for 40 soldiers)
Same thing
And again, I failed at in progress pictures. The finished, tiled courtyard with everyone at their activities.
An officer is inspecting the formation of the troops for presentation
A knight leaving (or maybe entering the castle, haven't decided yet)
Two castle guards overlooking the square.
From back to front:
Four castle guards standing in the shadows.
Family reunited: Dog, knight, wife, son holding his fathers sword
Crusader with his banner, shield and sword speaking with a elderly man who's giving him an envelope while a stable boy is holding is horse.
Boy hanging out of the window holding a sling shot.
I'm going to do a post on only details next time. That means wall textures, people, soldiers, face expressions, activities and mechanisms. I'm still working on the town and it's buildings, so I'm not even close to done, but I've finished a big and rather detailed part.
I hope to accomplish that sooner rather than later but thank you for looking!